Monday 31 July 2017

Grey School Summary :: July 2017

Today marks the end of my first month as a student of the Grey School of Wizardry! Unfortunately, work on most of my classes has ground to a halt because I haven't yet been able to obtain a copy of the required textbook, Grimoire for the Apprenctice Wizard. It's been a bit of a saga! It's on the way now though, and hopefully it should arrive this week. Meanwhile, I've been keeping myself busy by participating in non-academic challenges to earn merit points for my Lodge. Merits can be earned for activities such as book reviews, writing about various aspects of magick, craft projects, etc. At the end of the year the Lodge with the most merit points wins the House Cup, so I really want to earn as many as I can!

I've still been working on the class that doesn't require the textbook: Core Energy Practices 101, but that's also been slow going because I'm not used to meditation, working with energy, etc. I have done the exercises several times, but I'm hesitant to write them up because I'm not confident that I'm "doing it right." Already, I'm finding the School challenging in more ways than I'd anticipated! But that's a good thing.

Classes Completed:
✷ Technomagick 101: Internet Safety
✷ Writing and Citing: How not to Plagiarise

Classes In Progress:
✷ Core Energy Practices 101: Centring, Grounding and the Senses
✷ Wizardry 100: Becoming an Apprentice

✷ This month: 2 Total: 2

Merits Earned:
✷ Academic: 2
✷ Non-Academic: 7


  1. Greetings!
    You are doing great! If you need some CEP support do not hesitate to ask, that is what other Flame Lodgers are for.
    Do write down any type of remark or experience as that becomes your baseline or starting point.

    Order of The Dancing Flames.

    1. Hello!
      Thanks for your advice, and your encouragement!
