Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Hello! and, About Me

Hello, my name is Katie. Welcome to the House with 3 Eyes.

I started House With 3 Eyes to document my spiritual path. While I have a crafts and hobbies blog which has been around since 2004, there's a lot I want to share which I feel doesn't quite fit in there; plus I'm not sure how it would be received by a wider audience. Now that I'm an Apprentice Wizard at the Grey School of Wizardry, I'd very much like to start sharing my journey -- both at the School and my spiritual / witchy life in general.

I would probably describe my worldview as non-theistic Taoist, with a portion of Germanic paganism and a dash of Shintoism. Science and magic co-exist happily in my way of thinking. I take my ethical basis from Epicurianism. I've become more animistic recently, too.

(Having said that, I don't like to label myself, because words can mean different things to different people. It's a bit difficult not to use words when trying to write an About Me page, though!)

I'm a solitary witch. I work with runes, crystals and, often, textas and bits of paper. Sometimes I just point my finger at stuff. I do magic because it works.

I am an archivist and an artist.

I enjoy all sorts of crafts - crochet, knitting, sewing, embroidery, and anything that seems interesting. I love reading, cooking, gardening and animals. I'm an incorrigible daydreamer. I write zines. I like tabletop gaming, Pokémon Go and anime. I'm a member of the Spell Squad and the Fluent Self's Secret Star Society.

I'm a Mori Girl. Mori Kei ("forest style") is both a fashion and a lifestyle that originated in Japan in about 2008 and is now gaining popularity in the West. It emphasises attunement with the seasons, modest dressing, a slow and gentle way of living, and a culture of DIY. It's a lifestyle that often appeals to introverts like me.

Where else to find me:
I'm A Table - my arts, crafts, hobbies and home blog.
My Instagram - I enjoy taking photos of nature and my surroundings, my garden and my cat. Also occasionally what I ate and what I wore. (Hint: you don't need the Instagram app to view, just click the link and the website will open in your browser.)
My Facebook page - for my art. Not posting very often right now but hopefully that will change!

Finally, please be aware that this blog is the opinion of just one person. I never claim to be an authority on any subject. The things I write about here are my own personal experiences. The way I do things is only one way out of many. My aim is not to tell you what and how to do things, but to inspire you to explore your own way. If I make an error, please let me know. I am happy to be corrected.

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