Friday 1 September 2017

Grey School Summary :: August 2017

Unfortunately not much happened this month as I've been sick with a virus. I'm pretty sure I also suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). So this month's summary isn't a very eventful one.

My copy of Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard arrived in the mail early in the month. It's overwhelmingly jam-packed with information, as befits a textbook that covers such a wide range of topics. I'm tempted to read the whole book at once, but I've restricted myself to only reading the introduction and the sections relevant to my classes so far.

Class-wise, I've nearly finished the last assignment for Wizardry 100, choosing my magical name. Then there's only the exam to go. For most of the month, I was too sick to work on my Core Energy Practices assignment -- I just couldn't concentrate on the meditation. This week I've been feeling a little better and have made a renewed effort to work on it.

End of semester is coming up soon (the semesters run from equinox to equinox) and the House Cup is awarded at the end of each semester. My house is coming last so I made an effort to participate in as many challenges this month and earn as many merits as I could. Challenges involved divination, a practical activity or creative endeavour. Some of them might appear as blog posts soon.

Classes In Progress:
✷ Core Energy Practices 101: Centring, Grounding and the Senses
✷ Wizardry 100: Becoming an Apprentice

✷ This month: 0 Total: 2

Merits Earned:
✷ Non-Academic: 6

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